Monday 30 January 2012

A little a day can go a very long way

Many people wrongly believe that cleansing, toning and moisturising is the be-all and end-all of any skin care regime, although in order to keep skin in peak condition, there are other steps which you need to take and products which you need to use.

Regularly exfoliating skin is essential in keeping skin looking its best, and rather than following the route which some people take by only exfoliating when the condition of skin really deteriorates, you can actually make exfoliation a part of your everyday skin care regime.

However, when exfoliating skin every day, it’s important to use a product which is designed for such frequent use, as a product which is too harsh could leave skin very sore.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant has been specially formulated for use everyday, and is gentle on skin yet effective in shifting dulling dead skin cells and a whole host of other types of surface debris- which leaves skin looking a great deal brighter.

Through religiously making Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant a part of your skin care regime, you can also give cell renewal a helping hand- resulting in superbly supple skin.

Give your skin a daily dose of exfoliation and you will wonder why you ever went without it.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Don’t allow a busy career to interfere with your skin care regime

If you have a hectic career, it can completely eat up a large proportion of your week, leaving you with very little time to do much else.

Finding the time to feed yourself at the end of a busy day, never mind do anything else, can be next to impossible, and this could see your skin care efforts dwindling to next to nothing.

Even when you’re up to your eyeballs in paperwork though, looking after your skin is essential, and if you are finding that your skincare regime is taking an absolute age every morning and night, it could be that you’re not using the correct products.

Cleansing, toning and moisturising at the very least should be conducted twice a day, and this shouldn’t take more than a few minutes out of your time. Even if you need to deal with overly oily or overly dry skin, there are lots of products available which are quick to apply and quick to take effect.

Dermalogica skincare products are perfect for those in a rush, as there are plenty of products for all skin types which will keep your skin in tip top condition even when you’re spending half of your life in meetings and in front of your laptop.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Is your regular concealer not doing its job properly?

As it’s impossible to tell when a spot or blemish might make an appearance, it’s always a good idea to have a concealer handy. There are lots of different kinds of concealers available nowadays, although the most important things which you need to consider are the shade and quality of the product.

The purpose of a concealer is to hide unwanted additions to your skin, although if you make the mistake of applying a product which doesn’t match your skin tone, you are running the risk of drawing more attention to them.

Similarly, using an inferior quality product could do more harm than good, and again could draw attention to any skin imperfections. A concealer of a consistency which is too thick could look caked on, and a product which is too thin and watery could leave you facing constant touch ups, which isn’t exactly ideal during a busy day.

When you’re looking for a concealer which you can really rely on, and which is of the perfect consistency, look no further than Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment.

Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment not only effectively conceals, but also helps to clear skin up- making it an essential product for anyone who doesn’t fancy getting caught short when a spot decides to strike.

Friday 20 January 2012

Quick and easy skin care tips

Although some people may believe otherwise, looking after the skin doesn’t need to be an overly time- consuming task, and effective products no longer require you to invest hours of your time in order to take effect.

Knowing that your skin looks its best ever can put a real spring in your step, and who doesn’t want to enjoy sky-high confidence?!

Here are a few quick and easy skin care tips which could really help…

Protect your skin from the sun

Even when it isn’t shining, the sun can have very negative effects on your skin, so make sure you use a product with SPF ALL YEAR ROUND. Dermalogica Solar Defence Booster SPF 30 is amazing.

Reassess your products

If you’ve been using the same basic skin care products for as long as you care to remember, it could be time to make that change. Ensure that you are no less than 100% sure of your skin type and choose new products accordingly.

Keep skin clean throughout the day

If you work in an environment where skin is prone to becoming dirty or oily throughout the day, it’s always a good idea to invest in cleansing, refreshing wipes such as Dermalogica Skin Purifying Wipes to keep blemishes at arms length.

Make the time

Getting up just an extra 5 minutes earlier every morning to apply all of your necessary skin care products, so stop hitting that snooze button!

It really does pay to make the effort to give your skin a little extra TLC- and it doesn’t have to take hours.

Monday 16 January 2012

Take control of excess oil production with a carefully chosen masque

Many people face a daily struggle to keep skin which is excessively oily under control in order to keep oily breakouts and a shiny complexion at bay.

It’s fair to say that feeling as though your skin is excessively oily certainly isn’t the best way of giving confidence a boost, although as there are lots of great Dermalogica products out there which can help to combat the condition, enjoying complete skin confidence is well within your reach.

Whilst a suitable cleanser, toner and moisturiser will help to keep excessively oily skin under control, there are also several other types of products which can really help- with face masques being one.

Some individuals with oily skin refrain from using a masque, as they feel that it might contribute to the condition, although this certainly isn’t the case when you opt for a masque which has been specially developed for the skin type- such as Dermalogica Skin Refining Masque.

Dermalogica Skin Refining Masque assists in absorbing excess oil, refining and purifying pores and eliminating skin impurities- all of which play a huge part in reducing excess oil.

Dermalogica Skin Refining Masque not only helps to combat oiliness, but also helps to give skin a whole new lease of life- try it for yourself today!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Wearing long lasting eye makeup shouldn’t be a double-edged sword

As there are so many fantastic cosmetics out there which can last the duration of a long day or night, the need to constantly rush to the ladies for constant touch-ups has now been significantly eliminated.

Eye makeup can make all the difference to your overall look, and this is why, when questioned on their must-have beauty products, mascaras, eye shadows and eyeliners are always high on the list.

Whilst there’s no disputing that long lasting eye makeup is little less than a Godsend, problems can arise when it comes to removing it properly.

Scrubbing away with a cotton wool pad and harsh product might eventually shift cosmetics, although in doing this you’re running the risk of irritating and even damaging the extremely sensitive skin around the eyes.

By investing in a gently yet effective eye makeup remover such as Dermalogica Soothing Eye Make Up Remover though, you can enjoy all of the beautiful benefits of long lasting cosmetics without having to make any sacrifices as far as the state of your skin is concerned.

Dermalogica Soothing Eye Make Up Remover also conditions and soothes whilst it effortlessly removes, which makes it a key product for all eye make up enthusiasts.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Clearing spots- why you no longer need to sit and wait for nature to run its cause

There are few things worse than finding yourself faced with a breakout and feeling that there is little that you can do in the way of getting rid of them a little more speedily, and this can put a real dampener on your confidence.

As much as you may try and convince yourself that it might make a difference, it’s important to refrain from squeezing and picking at spots, as you will be running a real risk of making the situation worse.

In order to prevent spots from spreading, keeping the area as clean as possible is vital, and you also need to ensure that any concealing products which you use won’t clog or irritate skin (Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment is a fab product).

You can also help to give spots the heave-ho more quickly by investing in Dermalogica Special Clearing Booster.

Dermalogica Special Clearing Booster has been carefully formulated to help to dry break outs up quick-time, and whilst doing this it also helps to calm redness and annoying irritation.

Making it even more of a must-have product is the fact that the Special Clearing Booster not only helps to clear existing spots, but also helps to prevent future breakouts- so arm yourself today, safe in the knowledge that you are more than equipped to zap spots speedily.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Show off super soft hands all year round

As we all use our hands to express ourselves, type away on the keyboard at work and reach for the pennies to pay for our purchases on a really regular basis, finding that your hands are dry, cracked and generally look a bit of a state can be mortifying.

Keeping hands looking soft and smooth can be a bit of a struggle for some people at the best of times, and with the weather currently so bitterly cold, keeping chapped hands at bay can be even more of a task.

However dry and sore your hands may be feeling though, it’s important to prevent the situation from getting any worse by following a few simple steps and investing in a quality hand cream.

Ensuring that you wear a warm, thick pair of gloves whenever you will go a long way in keeping dehydration and soreness at bay, and in order to prevent pain and further dryness from striking, make sure you don a pair of marigolds whenever you come in to contact with washing detergents.

Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand & Nail Treatment is indispensable when it comes to keeping hands in peak condition all year round, and its fab formulation absorbs quickly, doesn’t leave a greasy residue and instantly gets to work on repairing and protecting.

In addition to keeping your hands healthy, Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand & Nail Treatment also helps to keep nails looking nice- which makes it a beauty bag must have throughout the colder months and beyond.

Friday 6 January 2012

Achieving the perfect base- a little can go along way

The way in which you prepare your skin for and apply your base can have a significant impact on its staying power, and it’s a safe bet to assume that nobody wants to find themselves constantly rushing to the mirror with the pressed powder in order to keep makeup looking matte.

It can be all too easy to get a little heavy handed with the cosmetics when you’re trying to create a base which will last you throughout the day or night, although in most circumstances, this is best avoided.

Applying too much foundation (especially one which is heavily oil-based) could leave you skin looking and feeling extremely oily, extremely quickly, and this could completely ruin all of your other cosmetic efforts.

Instead, in order to create a base which has real staying power, less is most definitely more, and a little application of a foundation which can provide you with light to medium yet effective coverage (plus concealing coverage where needed)- such as Dermalogica Treatment Foundation- will help to keep your skin and your makeup looking amazing for hours on end.

Take the less is more approach with your base and keep those pressed powder applications to a minimum.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Preparing your skin for a photo opportunity

If you’ve got a big party or event in the pipeline, or have arranged for a beautiful family portrait to be taken, it’s a dead cert that you will want your skin to look as amazing as possible.

If you’re strict with your skin care regime and pride yourself on religiously using good quality products morning and night, you may already be well on the right road to skin which is more than ready for the cameras lens.

Whether you have one week or one month to prepare skin for the glare of the camera, there is plenty you can do to improve the look and condition of skin.l

Investing in a good exfoliant can really brighten up your skin and provide it with renewed zest, and a quality product could provide immediate visible results.

Face masques are also a quick, easy and really relaxing way of treating skin and whether you want to hydrate dry skin or ensure that excess oiliness doesn’t blight your photo opportunity, there’s an effective product out there for you.

Whatever your needs and however you long you have to prepare, Dermalogica can affordably provide you with everything you need for a picture perfect complexion.

Monday 2 January 2012

Get 110% from your oil control skin care products with Dermalogica Skin Prep Scrub

We all want to feel as though we’re getting our money’s worthy with just about every product we buy nowadays, and this is definitely true when it comes to skin care products.

Although you don’t need to spend the absolute Earth to get your mitts on good skin care products, as the state of your skin is at stake, it always pays to make quality investments- especially if your skin has extra needs such as the control of excess oil production.

However, you could invest in the most expensive products that money can buy and see little in the way of positive results if you’re not using these products properly. In fact, simply applying products without following the correct procedures and applying products to poorly prepared skin could actually make the condition worse.

Those who find themselves constantly doing battle with excessively oily skin can ensure that they’re getting the very most from their products though by investing in Dermalogica Skin Prep Scrub.

Dermalogica Skin Prep Scrub gently exfoliates skin to help to get rid of surface debris and make way for the perfect base for other products. The Skin Prep Scrub leaves skin more than ready to fully absorb your choice of Dermalogica products- whilst simultaneously soothing and overcoming excess oil stimulation.

Invest in Dermalogica Skin Prep Scrub and rest assured that you’re getting more from your money.