From time to time we are asked if we are an authorised Dermalogica retailer. We can completely understand the question and we thought we would explain how selling Dermalogica works and what we have to do to be able to sell it on line.
First and foremost we are Skin Care Centre - a Beauty Salon - based in Lichfield in the Midlands. Our salon is based at the Lichfield Health and Fitness Club. We have two Beauty Therapists with over 30 years of experience between them and they are both fully trained in the Dermalogica Retail and Professional products ranges. Our full treatment range can be found on the Treatments Page of our website.
When we set up our salon we decided that we were going to use Dermalogica as our core product range and all of our key treatments are based around Dermalogica products. Due to the fact that we use Dermalogica products in our treatments, and that we sell the retail products from our salon means that we are allowed to sell the retail products on line. This makes us an authorised retailer. Further more we are listed on the Dermalogica UK website which is the first place you should look when checking out any company on line who are selling the Dermalogica Retail products.
Pure Beauty Online are an authorised Dermalogica retailer - click here to see us on the Dermalogica UK site.
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