By Phone
You can always call us on 0121 314 7039. We understand that a lot of the time we are busy processing your orders, and we may not be able to take your call personally, but it is always possible to leave voice mail message. We promise you that we always call our customers back - always. Even when a customer has subsequently emailed us and their query has been resolved we have still called them back.
By Email
One of the quickest way is to email us a shop@pure-beauty.co.uk. We will answer as soon as possible and maybe call you on the phone if we feel that a chat would be better. That's why it is always important you register a telephone number with us.
By Chat
We implemented a Live Chat service over 12 months ago which will enable you to get the answer to your question immediately. If we are not online at the time then simply send us an email with the form provided.
On Facebook
We started a Facebook page earlier last month to enable our customers to see what we're up to and to join discussions with us and provide us with very public feedback. So if you're on Facebook why not add us to your list.
On Twitter
We have just started tweeting Shop Messages so you can follow us there too.
Our Blog
You can always comment on this blog on the articles we post. We would welcome any suggestions you would like to make about future posts and the type of subjects you would like us to cover.
We know how hard it can be sometimes getting hold of real people when dealing with websites. We are trying to break the mould and blaze a trail for all websites encouraging frequent and speedy communication with our customers. Let's hope more and more websites follow our lead.
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