Looking after your skin can be very expensive, and with the multitude of skincare brands and products out there, it can also be very confusing. We strongly believe that if you are happy with the skincare regime you currently have, and the products perform as you would expect them to, that you do not change. That's not to say that as your skin changes that you shouldn't change some of your skincare products. You may want to address new concerns as they arise but the general advice would be: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!".
Getting back to the Chroma White products, if you want to address the skin tone or pigmentation problem, then we would recommend that you incorporate one of the targeted treatments to help deal with the problem such as Dermalogica C-12 Concentrate (30ml) or Dermalogica Extreme C (8g). These products should be patch tested first, using a sample of the product, and then incorporated into your daily routine one at a time. You should not change anything else at this point and then monitor your skin accordingly. If you receive any adverse reactions, or the changes you experience are undesirable, then you should discontinue use of the new product. By only incorporating one new product at a time you are able to identify those products which are beneficial and the products which are not, enabling you to make informed decisions in the future.
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