Sunday 29 April 2012

Hand it to Dermalogica

Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand and Nail TreatmentDry hands may only seem like a relatively insignificant problem, although they’re a problem which can be really irritating- and generally, the longer you leave them untreated, the worse the condition can get.

Having to shake hands with an acquaintance when your hands resemble sandpaper can be extremely embarrassing- and having to try and hide your hands away all day can be just as much of an embarrassment and just as much as an irritant.

As well as being irritating and embarrassing, dry, cracked hands can also be incredibly painful, and even simple things such as washing the pots and washing your hands can be a bit of a struggle.

By investing in a good hand cream though, you can wave goodbye to the condition in no time at all- and Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand & Nail Treatment has proved to be the perfect product for many.

Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand & Nail Treatment consists of a non greasy formulation which sinks straight in, and as well as repairing the skin on the hands, it also gets to work on getting and keeping nails in tip top condition.

You have to hand it to Dermalogica- this is one product which is indispensible when it comes to repairing and revitalising hands.

Friday 27 April 2012

Get prepared for your early getaway

Many of those lucky enough to be jetting off abroad at all this year still have at least a couple of months to wait, although if you’re even luckier and have a holiday coming up in the next few weeks, you’ll hopefully already be thinking about how you can protect your skin against blisteringly hot sun.

Dermalogica Solar Defence SystemSpring is sometimes an odd time of year when it comes to sun protection, and when you’re looking on the High Street for products which can properly protect your skin you, it can be very hit and miss.

By shopping online rather than on your local High Street though, you can take full advantage of all of the available sun protection products out there- such as the brilliant products from Dermalogica.

The products within the Dermalogica Solar Defence System range can help to keep you protected throughout the duration of your early getaway, and there is protection available to protect not only the face but also the entire body.

Don’t let sunburnt skin put a dampener on your getaway- simply arm yourself with the Solar Defence System and make all of your friends and colleagues back in Britain extremely envious!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Special Offer on Dermalogica Oil Control Lotion 59ml

Dermalogica Oil Control Lotion is a feather-light lotion containing microsponges to absorb oil on the skin’s surface, helping to combat shine and maintain an all-day matte finish. Niacinamide, Zinc Gluconate, Yeast Extract, Caffeine and Biotin purify and inhibit overactive sebaceous gland activity while soothing irritation. Salicylic Acid clears congested follicles to minimise future breakout activity, while Enantia Chlorantha Bark Extract controls over-active oil glands, helping to reduce oily shine on skin’s surface. Naturally-antiseptic Camphor, Balm Mint and Cornflower cool and calm inflammation.

Product Benefits
  • Absorbs excess oil and eliminates shine while providing an all-day matte finish.
  • Regulates sebum production.
  • Soothes irritated skin while moisturising.
  • Helps eliminate congestion and prevent future breakouts.
Dermalogica Oil Control Lotion is part of the Dermalogica Moisturisers range of products and can be found in the Excess Oil Production skin section.

RRP: £27.50
Our Usual Price: £21.75
Our Offer Price: £19.50
Offer Start Date: 25/04/2012
Offer End Date: 01/04/2012

Monday 23 April 2012

Moisturise with a masque

Dermalogica Intensive Moisture MasqueFor many people, face masques are part and parcel of really relaxing, although as they’ve come such a long way over the years, they can now provide skin with a whole host of benefits- one of which is fantastic hydration.

A good face masque can be a superb weapon in the fight against very dry or prematurely aging skin, so you can sit back and relax whilst simultaneously enjoying the skin benefits.

Dermalogica Face Masques are firm favourites with many people, as they do exactly what they say on the tin- and the Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Masque is certainly no exception.

The Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Masque has been specially formulated to hydrate, replenish, condition and soften skin- and even after just one use the fantastic effects of this superb product will start to become apparent.

Use of the Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Masque won’t simply leave skin feeling amazing either, and skin which oozes radiance is just another of this product’s unbeatable benefits.

So, why simply sit back with a masque which solely relaxes you, when you can invest in the Intensive Moisture Masque and reap even more rewards?

Saturday 21 April 2012

Preparing your skin for a fake bronzing session

However desperate you may be to show off a beautifully bronzed look in your new skimpy spring/ summer clothing, sunbathing and sun beds are both absolute no-no’s. However tempting it may be to get a glow by whatever means necessary- even if it means putting your health at risk- you need to completely banish the idea and instead hit the bottle!

Getting your glow out of a bottle is a lot safer than getting it via UV rays, and as there are products out there which can provide you with a really convincing glow, nobody will be able to tell the difference.

In order to get a natural looking glow though, you need to properly prepare your skin. Failing to do so puts you at a far greater risk of a patchy and streaky tan- which will instantly give the game away.

Preparing your skin properly involves getting rid of any dry and rough patches of skin- and a good exfoliant will enable you to achieve this.

Dermalogica Exfoliating Body Scrub is perfect for your preparations, as it gets rid of any dead skin cells to reveal the smoother brighter skin underneath. After exfoliating, reach for a good moisturiser such as Dermalogica Body Hydrating Cream.

In no time at all you will be flaunting a smooth, bronzed look which you’ve achieved the safe and sensible way.

Friday 20 April 2012

Substitute your soap

If your daily skin care regime involves washing your skin with the nearest bar of soap sitting on the bathroom cabinet, you are definitely committing one of the biggest skin sins out there, and you’re certainly not doing your skin any favours.

We’ve all seen the soap adverts on TV- the ones which claim to leave your skin soft and supple. These soaps are highly unlikely to have been designed for use on the face though, and in some circumstances they could also do more harm than good to the skin on the body.

Different skin types all have very different needs- and these needs aren’t very likely to be met by using your average supermarket beauty soap.

As well as not cleansing skin properly, using skin can also have many other negative effects on the skin- with a couple of the most common being skin which feels dry and skin which feels tight. Soap can also leave it feeling very sensitive.

There are lots of great cleansers on the market at the moment though, so there really is no excuse for not investing in a good cleanser. Dermalogica has an enviable range of cleansers for all skin types and which are highly affordable, so substitute your soap for one today.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Special Offer on Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance 50ml

Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance is an ultra-rich phytonutrient moisturiser designed to combat dry skin. Stabilised Vitamin C helps to smooth the appearance of dry lines and skin damage, leaving skin soft and supple. Antioxidant enzyme Superoxide Dismutase, vitamins A and E, and Ginkgo help shield against damage caused by environmental assaults. Soothing Coneflower and Hydrocotyl, combined with extracts of Grape Seed and Wild Yam, help reduce the signs of prematurely-ageing skin, leaving it smooth and firmer-looking.

Product Benefits
  • Smoothes appearance of dry lines and helps repair damaged skin.
  • Botanical extracts and vitamins help repair prematurelyaging skin.
  • Antioxidants help prevent daily damage caused by free radicals.
  • Strengthens skin’s lipid barrier to help prevent moisture loss.
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance is part of the Dermalogica Moisturisers range of products and can be found in the Drier or Prematurely Ageing Skin section.

RRP: £35.00
Our Usual Price: £26.95
Our Offer Price: £24.00
Offer Start Date: 18/04/2012
Offer End Date: 24/04/2012

Monday 16 April 2012

Make the right daily moisturiser choice

Failing to moisturise morning and night is definitely one of the worst skin sins which you can commit, although coming in at a close second is moisturising with an unsuitable product. Unfortunately, as moisturisers are in abundance nowadays, falling victim to the second sin can be all too easy. On the plus side though, just by bearing a few things in mind you can make the right moisturiser choice.

Your daily moisturiser should provide your skin with the hydration it needs without you having to suffer any unwanted side effects- such as excessive oiliness, blocked pores or the appearance of spots.

Your moisturiser should also provide you with a good base on which to apply cosmetics if necessary- as carefully applying makeup in the morning only to see that your efforts have gone to waste by midday can be extremely annoying.

When it comes to your moisturiser, you should invest in a product from a brand which you trust- and for many this trusted brand is Dermalogica.

Dermalogica Moisturisers are extremely effective and do just what they say on the tin, and as there is such a huge range of products there’s something for every skin type.

So, make the right daily moisturiser choice by choosing Dermalogica.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Don’t strip your skin of essential oils

We all know just how important it is to ensure that skin is cleansed properly morning and night in order to keep spots and blemishes at bay, although with as there are so many different skin cleansers out there it can be all too easy to fall into the trap of using a cleanser which isn’t suitable for your skin.

When it comes to cleansers, many people use a product which is far too harsh for their skin type, as they believe that in order to cleanse skin properly, the use of a strong cleanser is necessary. This certainly isn’t the case though, and using a cleanser which is too harsh can seriously strip skin of essential oils.

Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel proves that skin can be cleansed thoroughly yet gently, and this product is fantastic at shifting daily dirt, oil and even make up.

As Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel doesn’t strip skin of essential oils, your skin won’t feel dry and tight after use, and as it’s oil-free, skin won’t be left feeling greasy either.

Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel is suitable for all skin types too- making it a must on every bathroom shelf.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Take advantage of bath time skin benefits

A long hot bath is the perfect way to relax after a particularly tough day, and there’s nothing quite like sitting back with a good book and a few candles to soothe the day’s stresses away.

However, on the down side, unless you’re very careful, a soak in a bubble bath can be very drying, and you could find yourself towelling off extremely dehydrated skin.

You don’t have to give up your relaxing baths and stick to showers though, as simply by investing in the right products you can make bath time really beneficial to skin.

Instead of using products such as standard beauty soaps and body washes which smell gorgeous but which strip the skin of essential oils, take a look at the products in the Dermalogica Body Therapy range.

The Dermalogica Conditioning Body Wash, Exfoliating Body Scrub and Body Hydrating Cream products are fantastic bath time essentials, and all will help to leave the skin feeling soft, supple and in superb condition.

So, look to Dermalogica and make bath time not only relaxing, but also highly beneficial to your skin.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Cleanse and nourish skin at the same time

Cleansing morning and night is essential in keeping skin in tip-top condition, although with so many cleansers around at the moment, finding a cleanser which is 100% right for your skin can not only be a bit of a confusing process, it can also be a very expensive one if you’re going down the route of trial and error.

One gripe which many people have when it comes to their cleanser is that it leaves skin feeling tight and dehydrated rather than cleansed and nourished, and this can be even more of a problem for those with dry or prematurely aging skin.

Using the wrong type of cleanser on dry skin can rapidly lead to even further dryness, so it’s more important than ever to invest in a product which not only cleanses properly but which also hydrates and nourishes at the same time- and Dermalogica Essential Cleansing Solution is one such product.

Dermalogica Essential Cleansing Solution provides gentle yet effective cleansing, and whilst getting rid of dirt, oil and makeup, it simultaneously conditions. This cleanser won’t leave an oily residue behind either, so you don’t need to worry about skin looking excessively shiny or feeling excessively greasy.

Effortlessly and conveniently cleanse and nourish at the same time with Dermalogica Essential Cleansing Solution.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Treating and concealing spots simultaneously

The appearance of a spot leads to many people heading straight for the make up bag and straight for the concealer, and the use of this concealer continues until said spot finally decides to disappear.

Waiting for a stubborn spot to disappear can really drag on, and even when it’s only stuck around for a few days it can feel like a great deal longer. Many people use a separate concealer and treatment product when spots strike, although in some cases this can clog pores even further.

Most standard concealers also only hide spots until they decide to disappear of their own accord, although you don’t simply have to wait for nature to run its course, as by investing in Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment you can gives spots the boot a bit more speedily.

Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment treats and conceals simultaneously, and as the product clears pores and eliminates bacteria, you don’t need to worry about it making the situation worse.

As well as treating and concealing existing blemishes, Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment also helps to prevent future breakouts- which makes it even more of a spot-zapping essential.

Friday 6 April 2012

Getting skin ready for the summer months

It only seems like yesterday that we were all getting up 15 minutes early in order to wrap ourselves up in lots of extra layers and to scrape snow and ice off the car, although thankfully spring has finally started and the thought of a little sunshine and warmer temperatures makes it that bit easier to get up in the morning.

After such a bad winter though, you’re not alone if you’ve found yourself completely unprepared for spring- especially when it comes to your skin.

When sub zero temperatures strike and when snow and ice is lining the street, the last thing that anyone is going to do is step outside without lots of layers on, and with skin hidden under so many layers for so many months, it’s easy for it to become dull, dry and a little neglected.

If your skin is in need of a little TLC, and the thought of having to hide away all summer in thick jeans and long tops is filling you with dread- fear not- as by taking action now your skin will be more than ready to face the summer sun.

The products in the Dermalogica Body Therapy range are fab for getting skin back to it’s best, so why not arm yourself today to prepare yourself for a battle you’re sure to win?!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

It’s never too early to start thinking about your summer skin care

Looking after your skin properly and protecting it from the sun’s harmful rays is essential whatever the time of year, although with the start of warmer weather now in sight, there’s no time like the present to start thinking about how you’re going to shield your skin.

Although some weather forecasters have predicted that real summer sun won’t hit us until August, it’s fair to say that these forecasts aren’t always the most accurate, and you shouldn’t put yourself at risk of getting caught out.

When you’re out and about in the spring and summer sun, protecting the face with an adequate sun screen is a must. The Dermalogica Extra Rich Faceblock, Oil Free Matte Block and Super Sensitive Faceblock products are all very popular and very effective, and they’re designed to meet the needs of different skin types. Dermalogica Solar Defence Booster is the perfect product for those looking to add SPF 30 protection to their favourite moisturiser or foundation.

Once you’ve sorted your daily sun protection for the skin on your face, you can then start to look for a product to protect the skin on the body for when it’s finally warm enough to flash a little more flesh.

Monday 2 April 2012

What are the best ways of keeping blemishes at bay?

Blemish free skin is sought after by just about everyone- male and female and of all ages- although waking up in the morning to be greeted by a new addition to your complexion is something which pretty much each and every one of us has experienced at some point or another.

The appearance of spots and blemishes can really put a dampener on your day, although you can reduce the chances of having to put up with these days by following a few simple steps to keeping blemishes at bay.

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you’re cleanser is up to scratch. Your cleanser should clean deep down into the pores morning and night- shifting dirt, oil, cosmetics and daily skin debris- without being harsh to skin. Dermalogica have a great range of cleansers to suit every skin type.

Treating your skin to an even deeper cleanse with a face masque every now and again will also help to keep skin clear- again, Dermalogica has products for various skin types.

Drinking plenty of water and eating healthily can also help to keep blemishes at bay, although when spots do strike, there are Dermalogica products which can shift them more speedily.