The appearance of spots and blemishes can really put a dampener on your day, although you can reduce the chances of having to put up with these days by following a few simple steps to keeping blemishes at bay.
First and foremost, you need to make sure that you’re cleanser is up to scratch. Your cleanser should clean deep down into the pores morning and night- shifting dirt, oil, cosmetics and daily skin debris- without being harsh to skin. Dermalogica have a great range of cleansers to suit every skin type.
Treating your skin to an even deeper cleanse with a face masque every now and again will also help to keep skin clear- again, Dermalogica has products for various skin types.
Drinking plenty of water and eating healthily can also help to keep blemishes at bay, although when spots do strike, there are Dermalogica products which can shift them more speedily.
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